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February 14, 2024

Instantly Master Your Day's Critical Tasks with the Launch of "FirstSeed Tasks 3" – The Innovative Task Management App

FirstSeed Inc. is thrilled to announce the release of FirstSeed Tasks 3, an innovative task management app designed for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch users. The app empowers users to prioritize and manage tasks across various projects seamlessly. It supports iOS 15, macOS 12, and watchOS 9 or later.

FirstSeed Tasks leverages a kanban-style approach, enabling users to craft tasks on a board and manage them effortlessly through drag-and-drop operations. The newest iteration introduces the "My Tasks" feature, revolutionizing how users view and prioritize important tasks across multiple projects. This centralized overview ensures clarity on which tasks deserve immediate attention.

Moreover, "My Tasks" enables users to filter tasks based on their dates, facilitating a review of tasks completed yesterday or a preview of tasks scheduled for tomorrow. The app enhances productivity by offering a seamless transition from the "My Tasks" screen to detailed project views, enabling efficient task checking and management.

Enhancements include a direct jump feature from tasks listed in "My Tasks" to their respective projects and a back feature for easy navigation back to "My Tasks" from any project screen. These intuitive navigation tools allow for smooth transitions between tasks and projects, streamlining task management and information review.

Building on the "Timeline" feature introduced in FirstSeed Tasks 2, version 3 integrates "My Tasks" into the timeline, allowing users to reschedule incomplete tasks or adjust future plans based on current task progress. This is especially beneficial for projects with tight deadlines or those requiring concurrent task progression.

The app is available for download on the App Store. We hope you will love it as much as we do.


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