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December 16, 2022

FirstSeed Tasks lets you organize your tasks effectively

FirstSeed Inc has released an intuitive task management app called "FirstSeed Tasks". The app is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and Mac and can be downloaded for free from the App Store.

FirstSeed Tasks is a kanban-style task management app that allows users to create tasks on a board and visually manage them using drag-and-drop operations. Tasks can be organized by progress and category, allowing users to keep track of the overall progress of a project while working on it. The app also makes it easy to track the progress of each member when working on a project with multiple members. Project and task data can be synced across multiple devices through iCloud Drive.

The app supports the Markdown notation for task notes. This allows users to make important parts bold, highlight them, or create bullet point or numbered lists, and embed hyperlinks. This makes it easier to organize the content of tasks in a clear and concise manner.

The app also allows users to filter tasks based on specific criteria. For example, users can display only tasks with deadlines within one week or only tasks with specific tags or priorities. The app also has a search function that allows users to narrow down tasks. The search keywords are highlighted, making it easy to find the tasks you're looking for.

The app also has various other features such as setting alarms for tasks, bulk deleting tasks based on conditions, and choosing to show or hide completed tasks for each project. It also supports Quick Input for quickly inputting tasks in succession, editing tasks from context menus, and other useful features.

The app is available for download on the App Store. We hope you will love it as much as we do.


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